Thursday, June 18, 2009


In essence This court case ruled nixon Guilty of all charges brought to this court. That being said He resigned before being forced out of office only to later be pardoned by another president however the ruling though very final is Agenst Nixon. Us Victory over monster crime.

Personal Oppion

Under all consideration this case was normaly settled in normal courts however ever with this being said Nixons actions warned of fearther problems and needed to be resolved. Despite the fact he did lie in court, he did steal from the people, accept bribes, give bribes, and use Consperisy ,as well as doctored evidence. These are all cases settled in fediral or State courts , his actions however as president were shameful and to prevent him from being pardoned of crimes and allowing his actions to continue he has to be forced out of office, that being said the only way to remove him from office before this happend was to take it to supreme court where the Supreme justice, House, And Senite has to be present and actions accountable as well as MASS majority vote to remove him from his seat of power OR force a resignation. This in terms littlaly amonst the torts and crimes made him eligable to have such a case brought amonst the highest court in the United States.

Rule of law

the only rule of presidence I know of that was used was Mistretta v. United States, 488 U.S. 361 (1989) and Morrison v. Olson, 487 U.S. 654 (1988) Under these though he cound't do a dange thing. These cases do not advance his argument, however, since neither addressed the issue of justiciability. More importantly, neither case involved a situation in which judicial review would remove the only check placed on the Judicial Branch by the Framers.

Reasoning of the court

Under the conditions met by the Founders and the Idealisuim of the state the only way to prevent the crime from going unpunished was to impeach the president from office under the reasoning that he refused to give up his position .

" Because Nixon refused to resign from his office as a United States District Judge, he continued to collect his judicial salary while serving out his prison sentence. See H. R. Rep. No. 101-36, p. 13 (1989)."

This in turn lead the Supreme court to beleive that he himself would pardon his own crimes reather then allow him self to face punishment founded by the people for crimes such as lying under oath, Conspirisy, Bribery, accepting Bribes, along with multi. other crimes. in this reasoning and understanding the courts confrounted the issue the only way possible and to strip the powers of the guilty before he was allowed to use them to once again commit crimes or worse yet steal from the people of the united states due to refusal to leave position.

Decision of the court

ON all accounts despite the constant return of ideals by President Nixon, the Court Ruled guilty on all counts and for crimes agenst the State was their by Empeached from his role as President and the Executive branch. The word "try," both in 1787 and later, has considerably broader meanings than those to which petitioner would limit it. Older dictionaries define try as "[t]o examine" or "[t]o examine as a judge." and under this condition President Nixon was to be "Try" under the court rule. Also due to preventions found with in the Documents of old Petitioner also contends that the word "sole" should not bear on the question of justiciability because Art. II, §2, cl. 1, of the Constitution grants the President pardon authority "except in Cases of Impeachment." There for preventing President Nixon from simply leaving the court grounds of his own will clear of charges brought about by his crimes. The exception from the President's pardon authority of cases of impeachment was a separate determination by the Framers that executive clemency should not be available in such cases. This had prevented the Pardon of President Nixon apon him self which as resently been seen done by President Bush jr. who would of been charged with War Crimes appon leaving office.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Problems with False Fabrication

When medications, videos, and worse are not only produced but also sold on the black market it becomes not only a crime but it becomes a danger to the public. In itself small things like purses, bags and movies seem like nothing more then something slightly trivial however the problem has gone well beyond the production of luxury goods. False Medication such as Cough syrup, pain killers, and even dietary supplements can be extremely dangerous to the public yet is easy to replicate in taste, color and minor effects at mass production, costing companies hundreds of dollars as well as making the Ill even worse for the wary. Worst yet is some products are produced with house hold chemicals, and even poisons that are highly volatile and can cause more illness then is rightfully due. On top of that producers of goods such as movie makers and Audio mixers loose Capital when producing goods that are constantly replicated by constant reproduction of a product for a cheap price and at lesser quality then was originally indented. The worst part of this is beyond just reproduction of false creations of products but the overwhelming control over this production by mobs, syndicates, and worse. These illegal organizations allow for the transfer of good and the productions of them, obtaining hundreds of thousands of capital that is used to produce, capture, and trade things like weapons, false products, and even humans themselves. This is not an epidemic or a pandemic but a worldwide problem that needs to be stopped. Finally on that note for those who are enjoying free music and videos on the web I say this in finally, Ether stops the bull or buys the product (I personally bought Outlaw Star despite having seen the series online.)

Issue of the case

Under the right of Impeachment brought about by the founding fathers in the articles, provides the House and the Senate the right to strip the powers of the executive branch.

"Nixon, a former Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, was convicted by a jury of two counts of making false statements before a federal grand jury and sentenced to prison."

This in itself was one of many charges including "The grand jury investigation stemmed from reports that Nixon had accepted a gratuity from a Mississippi businessman in exchange for asking a local district attorney to halt the prosecution of the businessman's son".

Nixon had accepted Bribery, provoked bribes, Lied under Oath, Had taken part in conspiracy, and once more refused to resign from his position and continued to receive payment DESPITE being imprisoned for several crimes.This gave turn to “the Senate voted to invoke its own Impeachment Rule XI, under which the presiding officer appoints a committee of Senators to "receive evidence and take testimony." Senate Impeachment Rule XI, reprinted in Senate Manual, S. Doc. No. 101-1, 101st Cong., 1st ".

In essence Nixon himself had slandered and battered the cases and gone beyond the limitations of the executive branch thus allowing him to receive privileges that should have been striped. By Impeaching the president from office and removing his rights he would no longer be able to pardon his Crimes or use the system to his will based sole on position. The evidence to itself proved Nixon’s guild and was strong enough to set upon the Supreme Courts door where the Chef Justice MUST be present to allow the Impeachment process to go through. Without the Chef Justice available to be at the assemble where Nixon was to be Try, the Impeachment would be null and void and the Senate would lose the case regardless of prosecution.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Final Review

My current practice towards the final is simply at this ppoint managment, reviews, and research of the laws brought about during the case. Under the reasoning of the Case Nixon him self not only broke the law but littarly danced on it like a Grave to attempted to keep him self in the clean. I will go in depth into the case to look for any potential loop holes and to see what exacly happend point for point. My progress is Massivly sluggish and deserves to be brought up to speed as soon as possible when time is avalable despite recent ... surcomstance. Under the Reasoning though I would like to know of more reputable records of the case if possible to where I can review it more clearly and clearly refrence the laws broken other then the ovouse. Despite this horrid Scandle Nixon did end the Biological Warfar and deserves some respect for actions. Also details dealing Directly into the presentation of this would be nice since the Final project document seems brief yet stright forward lacks description which would make this stronger documantation. Any help is welcome or any commentation, However the Work will be done come hell or high water.

Facts of the case

President Nixon authorized an attack on Cambodia, where 4 students were killed in the incident. He and his colleges were then put into a conspiracy to with hold information to prevent this from becoming public and to prevent their trails and prosecutions. That being said burglars who had come to rob had stumbled upon the information and were forced to silence and all tapes with held. Due to this the court challenged the president’s ability to with hold tapes from the courts simply because of statues. The courts found it un-reasonable and forced the forwarding of the tapes, their by making the president release his hidden evidence to the courts.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pacific heights

Under the reasoning given and understanding, the home owner has these rights which were violated drastic violated. One: the right to investigate property under said management. By changing the locks and preventing the owner from entering upkeep can not be mantained and their for unlawfully prevents the owner from providing his duty. Two: violation of Contract as well as a lack there of. Littarly The man made a verbal contract saying and wishing to pay for his rent and never did. Under that a contract was never writen and property was not handed over so there for the resident was not a resident but a trasspasser. These are only a few and there for in their own allow the owner to turn off, evict, or report said Trasspasser and have them removed from the primeses. Also under law any disruption to said naboring areas including other rooms after warning has been given would be remarked as public diruption. On top of that undo cunstruction or deconstruction would be illegal by prospect and lack of permit to work on property.

Instant Extra Credit

Three Names I have been called:
Mr. DeBlase

Three Jobs I have had in my life (include unpaid if you have to):
Bagel Maker
Dietary assistant

Three Places I Have Lived:
Apple Apartments
Charles Ct.
Meridian dr.

Three TV Shows that I watch:
Soul eater
Chaos; Head

Three places I have been:
Hover Dam
Disney Land
Every Game stop in las vegas

People that e-mail me regularly
Rita Zertch
Rika jefferson
Brandon Noles

Three of my favorite foods

Three cars I have driven:
Don’t Drive

Three things I am looking forward to:

My Animation
Dating again
Making my stories come to life.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Greed is good

Moronic! I put it simply on this level of speech due to the fact that work and hard effort are what win a pay check and nothing less. To have acceptable value put into bonus for those who only hold and re-evaluate stock is simply moronic. Growing up in not poverty but in mild middle class with little money despite what three people earned I find all of this simply put as a stupid Rayne of those who feel they can gain money by using others rather then simply putting forth a effort or looking for short cuts threw stocks they need only control on a governmental stand point I can see the idea of preventing monopoly as well as upholding the American dream however there should be laws such acts that demolish companies during take over that risk destroying others livelihood that being said Greed being called good is simply a joke based off a man’s idea that by using others, for closing on that which he thinks is a bad investment or more profitable to sell then to simply build upon. On a ideal look I see the fall of not only the United states but the fall of the world in the hands of morons who simply thing that money is the only thing that matters in this world and having nothing but is the only way to live. In the words found “ when is it enough” to these people whom never work and whom think of others as simply play things to be sold off or used are as I said earlier and will stand by fully heartedly Moronic.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bong hits 4 jesus

This is a interesting case to me because it boiled right down to constitutional rights. Now to me there are a verity of issues that are emplace here however I will agree with the principle on this one under the principle of law that We as American Citizens herby are given the freedom and right to do as we please up until it infringes upon the rights of others. Now that being said the principles Ideas where not misplaced however his all around approach was wrong. That being said the Authority was clearly in the wrong as far as not presenting the fact that posting the banner was a violation or rights upon others as well as solicitation of Illegal Drugs on grounds where Minors are present. Had this been made clear and the consequences of the actions brought forth the student may have actually backed down However without doing that the Authority at large did leave an opening allowing for a argument of first amendment rights. That being said he left a loop hole as well as to some extenuate did violate the constitutional rights. "While children assuredly do not 'shed their constitutional rights ... at the schoolhouse gate,' . . . the nature of those rights is what is appropriate for children in school." was used and frankly It is correct under any terms that students should and DO have the rights of any other citizen of the United States of America. That being said in this particular case it Is hard to state that the student was in the wrong for challenging the statement So both sides have both Rights and wrongs. That being said I will side on the Childs side under the violation of first amendment however under the reasoning behind the Authority figure I will state their actions are not In the complete wrong but should be more refined In the future to prevent such problems.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Used Cars Crimes and Torts.

Crimes1. Destruction of Property.2. bribery3. Lieing under Oath4. Under age driving5. Unlicensed driving6. No insurance7. Speeding8. Destruction of Public Property9. Domestic Violence10. Endangerment of Minors11. Armed Assault12. Possession of Concealed Weapon13. Forgery14. J-Walking15. Drug abuse16. Drug possession17. Sexual Harrassment18. Lack of License Plate19. Fleeing the scene20. Drinking on the Job21. Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road22. Wreckless Driving23. Gambling24. Attempted Murder

Torts1. False Advertisement2. Disreputation3. Indescency4. Slander

Thursday, April 23, 2009



In many ways I can agree that the law has both problems and privileges. To me the law needs a lot of fine tuning and a lot more work than people perceive however loop holes will always exist do to the fact that humans are foul able and there for anything we create will essentially be flawed let alone government so given that respect the trick is not to strengthen the laws but to fortify them in a way that will allow us as people to minimize the damage if not allow us to repair said damage when it is caused. That being said I got to agree with locking up those who have done major wrongs like baby killers. As for stop signs and drug busts that is something that will have to be cracked down on but frankly it will keep happening regardless so long as people desire to do things their own way. The only remedy I see not just enhanced law enforcement but public and or private help.

Elevate Sounds

Ok fairness in our current law is sadly messed up beyond all bounds . To Top that problem there are sustains abuse that are causing problems however to answer some questions I’ll bring up stuff like weed and Alcohol. In fact Alcohol was banned by the constitution for a good number of years however this , like tobacco , is a traditional thing and there for the people as they were demanded that the traditional pieces be put back. Also there was a problem with illegal imports of Alcohol, however that’s a current problem we have with illegal drugs right now. As for just that though, Weed sadly being as it is not so fortunate to be a historical thing, has been labeled ( much like tobacco should) a gate way drug and the only reason it is illegal is critics believe that it leads others to use other drugs that ARE dangerous to people and DO cause problems. One major one being Crack, that being said it has been banned simply for the dumbest of reasons. If you want the laws to be more fair you will have to convince others of what they believe is wrong and what you say is right, that’s sadly how the law works.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What do you think of Law?

I believe the law if it is interoperated and fallowed correctly that it is a force that creates order from Chaos however on that same note Law should as written in the constitution be limited to curtain things. COMMON SENCE LAWS I believe are both annoying and should be changed if not removed for common since things. Some laws Such as J walking and Click it or Ticket should be under other laws instead of laws themselves. Reckless endangerment, this is a good law that fallows J walking, click it or ticket, est. as long as there are passengers or others with said accuser, Especially children, or elderly . However other laws I personally believe the law if read right and used properly can be used to keep people who have done wrong in harsh manners away from the public. As for minor offences punishment is due to fit the crimes, be it a fine or community service.

As for Higher law, the best way to keep, establish, and push is the grand jury who CURRENTLY does NOT require a law degree to even receive said job. This in my opinion is an outrage due to the fact of the constitution, our most sacred of laws should be perceived, fortified, and used in the most outstanding and diligent of ways. To have those who cannot achieve this and also have not done their work to earn the respected position seems out of line. However this is an Opinion and as far as I know they may have other training that makes them more suited for the job. Back to the basics though I must conclude with fine tuning and proper work Law itself is a diligent piece of our order and is to be upheld. May Some day it be fine tuned to be Just, Equal in rights, and allow for freedom as the United States wished when it was created by the forefathers.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What I think of Lawyers

Depending on the moral ethics of a lawyer my opinion will drastically change there by allowing for open oppinion. I believe some lawyers are only out for a profit and there by sleazy scum bags, however some are not this way. In fact Some lawyers will take a risk and even forfeit money if the case fails meaning they are not only out to make the common peoples settlement but they are willing to put their own money on the line to assure that they are out for their others.
Sleazy lawyers however use the law and bend the ethics of other to their will simply to make a profit. This being said these men and woman enjoy nothing more than to read for loop holes, use the law to their own gain and to enhance their own reputation to benefit only themselves and or the people they work for.
However there is an in-between to this. Where there is black and white grey must exist some where there for there is a possibility for lawyers who obviously will work any case regardless of if it’s a risk for them or if it is possible to turn a monster of a profit, there for obviously there is your middle man who looks simply to work hard and win his CLIENTs case regardless of their moral standings in the case.

In standing my oppinion of lawyers simply changes depending on the person because of just that. They are people and they are human and their moral standing and ethics are their own dealing and my choose on words will of course depend on whether they are the grey middle man or whether they are the caring person who is willing to sacrifice based on others well being.